Thursday, November 18, 2010

No wire hangers ever!

Or plastic ones, or wooden ones. Sheesh. This new house has one useable closet for adult size hangers, plus a smallish closet for the girls' special dresses and a kid-size dress up closet in the attic playroom. Our last house had...hmm...5 full closets ready to be filled with hangers. I have unpacked roughly 25 hangers today alone. The last straw...coming across a box marked 'hangers and clothes'

No. more. hangers.

Oh and I should mention we love our new's not quite as tiny as I had thought based on my first impression. More on the new place, its quirks, and the previous tenants who were smokers with three LARGE dogs, in a later post.

Aren't you glad I have access to the internet again? I will do my best to catch up on my many days arrears of Nablopomo.

upcoming posts:
-10 things I won't miss (as promised)
-Moving day
-Annie's tribute to our old house
-The trials and tribulations of our new house
-I love Toronto....but....

stay tuned and apologies for the hiatus.

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