Monday, January 10, 2011

Costco...or what on earth was I thinking???

I don't know what possessed me, I truly don't. The lure of inexpensive meat that is not purchased at No Frills ? (because, ew, really, even our budget can do better than that). The feeling that I'd better use the d!@# membership since I'd purchased it, and wanted to get my money's worth? A deep seated (so deep that I didn't even know about it) desire for a 1/4lb. hot dog for 99 cents? Whatever it was I found myself crawling into the Costco parking lot in Upper Scarberia this past Sunday. Crawling because apparently 10,000 other Torontonians didn't have anything else to do on a Sunday either. From left turn lane to parking lot....20 minutes, with not even a hint of exaggeration. And the parking was not a pleasant Sunday drive was me up against thousands of other drivers, all determined to spend lots of money on lots of REALLY BIG things.

Which brings me to the truly mystifying part of this trip. What was I, of all people, writer of a blog entitled Smaller is Better doing in a store that epitomizes the big box, that justifies the suburban monster home with its 1400 sq. ft. of storage? The last time we lived in a smaller home and I visited Costco it resulted in an elaborate weeks long project to convert an old closet into a spacious pantry (said project was completed by my lovely wife,  not me of course). Well in this house, that old closet has already been converted: into a laundry room on the main floor, and into a staircase leading to the attic on the 2nd floor. So what was I doing buying humongous 24 packs of toilet paper and kleenex??? To top it off, I was fighting off a cold or something at the time, so I entered the behemoth business in an already weakened state for extra danger and foolishness.

The good news: We don't have to buy meat or vitamin supplements for the next 6 months. The bad news: it will be longer than that before I recover from my Costco-induced trauma and set foot in the store again....though they did have some great deals on suitcases...and cameras...oh and I forgot to get the bread.....hmm...are you doing anything next weekend??


J said...

It occurs to me that my trip to Costco might of been some kind of attempt by my psyche to express my deep-seated desire for more space.

Beth Ward said...

or maybe it was just the desire to acquire more stuff that won't really take up more space.

Sad to say though hon, the meat really won't last us 6 months. We're going to be out in less than 2 by my math...

(though I think the supplements will last us AT LEAST 6 months!)

Mommie that Gets It said...

Crazy! I do have to say, they have great meat ... luckily, my hubby makes the trips to Costco. I think it is less expensive that way. ;)