Sunday, October 17, 2010

Panic! *Breathe* Panic!

So I talked to my wonderful dad on Sunday, just back from painting the girls' bedroom and playroom at the new house. He also took photos of the whole place and measured the rooms and the windows, so we can think about curtains n' stuff.
He was fulsome in his compliments about the new place, how cozy it is, how much character it has etc. And tried to be very reassuring in describing how 'big' some of the rooms were. But while he was talking, my internal dialogue was drowning out his soft, encouraging voice. Something like this:

'The kitchen is nice, it has new laminate flooring, and I like that you have an eating nook/counter for the kids to use. There's not a lot of cupboard space though, and I don't think you will be able to fit your table in it."

Me, in my head: 'aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee small kitchen small kitchen small kitchen I hate small kitchens I am too messy for small kitchens aaiiiiiiiiieeeeee. How am I going to pare down my kitchen I am attached to every piece of enormous equipment, I LOVE it all'

Me, out loud: "mmm...well, maybe we can store some stuff down in the basement that we don't use regularly...and we can put the freezer down there too. We can put the table in the dining room space too."

Him: 'Your bedroom is really quite big and has a nice window."

Me, out loud: "Do you think there's any chance to get our king size bed in there? We have a very tall 5 yo with pokey elbows who usually climbs into bed with us, and I don't want to give up the King."

Me, in my head: "Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee we can't go back to our Queen, I'll never sleep again, we gotta get this kid out of our bed, maybe by some miracle she'll start sleeping through the night right after we move to a new city aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee"

Did I mention anxiety runs in my family? This was slightly edited for dramatic effect, but it isn't that far from reality, and certainly adds fuel to my decluttering fire.

I tend to think I manage anxiety better than some other members of family of origin, though it certainly rears its ugly head periodically, and this is one of those times! Not at all surprising given we are trying to uproot ourselves, move two kids and downsize dramatically in the space of 6 weeks. I guess that would make anyone, anxious, but I know that I also have the weight of multiple generations of anxious adults behind me. Not to mention the weight of the anxious, highly sensitive 5 yo lying on my arm, holding onto my leg....or you get the idea!

And now, for extra panic...
We (foolishly, crazily) wisely took the advice of real estate agent on Monday who strongly encouraged us to put the house up for sale sooner rather than later. Basically we don't want it sitting empty for too long, and in our local tepid real estate market, it can take a few weeks. \
So we blithely signed on the dotted line... he would take pictures, put up the sign and it would begin showing the following...Monday.
So now we have hmm, well 4 days and 4 nights to get the house ready to go on the market. I think it's time to stop decluttering and time to start throwing things in boxes and bags, throwing them in the POD and making our very lived in home look staged.
(hahahaahaahahahahaahahahaahahahahahaahaha --hysteria tinged laughter because this is both funny and likely impossible)

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

In our buying/selling/moving adventures of this year we eventually got to a point of having to say "this is not the time to edit, just pack it".