Thursday, October 14, 2010

reality sets in.

Okay, so I am still very excited about this move. In fact I am more excited than ever about the fabulous urban neighbourhood we are going to be living in! And the possibility of good schools! And the fact that we might eventually be able to buy a house there!

But I think I am also starting to panic a bit about how tiny it is. Really, how tiny is it? Maybe part of the problem is that I don't really know...I only have a general idea from looking at some pictures, taken by the landlords a few years ago, with someone else's furniture in them. As a result, I find myself obsessively reading the IKEA catalogue (there must be some way IKEA can help us, right?) or poring through the selection of storage bins at our local department store.

The good news: my dad (aka superdad!) has offered to go to our new place this weekend to measure, take pictures and paint the girls' room and playroom! So hopefully by Sunday we will have a much better idea of the (gravity of the) situation.

In other news, our PODS storage unit arrives today. Whee! I am actually very excited about this, as one of the things I hated about our last move was filling up our entire living room with boxes such that we couldn't move. Not fun.

We have thrown out a whole bunch of stuff so far, including: drop side crib that is now illegal, grotty old booster seat, cheap & wrecked IKEA end tables. I do feel a sick undercurrent of guilt about that stuff going to the landfill.

We have also given away bags & bags & bags of clothes, and I have three boxes of books from the living room that are all set to go. All very satisfying, with a soupcon of 'oh shit, what if I got rid of something we need'.

And of course then there's the moment every parent dreads: 'Mama, where's my special pink sweater that I wore to the wedding last year?' When confronted with questions like this, I never know whether to:

  1. Blatantly lie ("I think it's in the wash")
  2. Tell the truth....sort of ("It was too we put it away for your sister")
  3. Tell the bald faced truth ("sweetie, you haven't worn it or noticed it in 6 months. I gave it away)
What do you do in situations like this??